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Cat vaccines can be divided into essential vaccines and non-essential vaccines.

Essential vaccines are essential for all cats (including domestic cats) because of the severe nature of diseases.


Non-essential vaccines are given to cats only if there is a real risk of infection and if vaccination will provide protection. You should always discuss with your veterinarian what vaccines your cat may require.


Basic vaccines are:


1- Rabies :

rabies is 100% fatal to cats, with no treatment available. Prevention is the key.

2- Total leukopenia : 

Vaccination against this virus is very effective and has a critical role in protecting cats against infection, especially since the virus is highly contagious.

3- herpes zoster virus (FHV-1) and kV (fcv) :

The Vaccination against these two is combined, as these viruses are the main causes of upper respiratory infection in cats (cat flu).



4- Non-Corticosteroids :

Feline leukemia virus (FeLV); FeLV must be tested negative first. Transmitted by cat contact to the cat. It can cause cancer, immune suppression.

5- Clamidophila phyllis :

a type of bacteria that causes conjunctivitis in cats. Small cats are likely to be affected by reproducing families (such as families that reproduce), and there may also be mild signs of upper respiratory infection.

6- Bordetaila :

 Infectious upper respiratory tract.


Benefits of Vaccinations

-  boost cat's immunity, reducing the risk of colds and flu.

- Studies have found that vaccination of cats before reproducing helps them to have healthy offsprings.


- It was also found that the commitment to vaccinations extends the cat lifespan, and helps to protect them from the four of the deadliest viruses: Kalsi virus, leukemia virus, herpes virus, and the virus.


- protect from fungal infections  

- enhances immunity


- Helps with digestion processes  


Vaccinations carry great importance in the cat's life. Because it expands its lifespan. Strengthen the immune system. When you don't vaccinate your cat, you are putting the rest of the cats at risk as it could spread the disease. Vaccines have proven to be very helpful in reducing the rapid spread of the disease and sometimes not spreading it at all. The number of cats death due to diseases was very high before the availability of vaccinations. With vaccinations, this number remained low.



To summarize all this:

Cat's life With Vaccinations:

- A stronger immune system

- Longer lifespan

- The ability to fight disease in case of infection

- Not risking other cats
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